
Praseodymium is a chemical element; it has symbol Pr and the atomic number 59. It is the third member of the lanthanide series and is considered one of the rare-earth metals. It is a soft, silvery, malleable and ductile metal, valued for its magnetic, electrical, chemical, and optical properties.
Praseodymium is a soft, silvery, lustrous element, which may be cut with a knife. It is reactive and develops a green oxide coating, which spalls off in air. It is somewhat more resistant to corrosion in air than europium, lanthanum, cerium, or neodymium. Dilute acids also attack it, and as such the metal is generally stored in an inert atmosphere or in mineral oil.
Materials: Praseodymium’s primary use is as an alloying agent with magnesium to create high-strength metals used in aircraft engines. Praseodymium is among the most refractory substances known and is also used in automotive exhaust catalytic converters. Magnets: Praseodymium can be used as a substitute for neodymium in super magnets. Electronics: Praseodymium forms the core of carbon arc lights, which are used in the film industry for studio lighting and projector lights.
Praseodymium can be found in the Earth’s crust with a typical concentration of 8 ppm (parts per million). Pr is not rare, as it is found in a variety of minerals, although the minerals belonging to the monazite and bastnäsite groups are considered the most significant sources in commercial applications.
Praseodymium is used to • Aircraft engines • Electronics • Permanent Magnet • Super magnets • Battery Alloys • Automotive catalytic converters • Studio lighting • Projector lights.
- Standard Praseodymium Ingot 99.1%
- Standard Praseodymium Powder 99.9%
- 包装,铝盒或塑料盒密封
- 最低购买量 1000 克(1 公斤)
- 其他,标准要求请联系我们。
The market value of Standard Praseodymium Ingot, 99.1%, represents approximately 4000 US Dollars per kilogram. Contact us to get the best prices depending on the quantity requested.
At today’s price of $122.40 per kg, praseodymium has changed –38.31% since Jan 1st 2023. It changed –43.67% since Jan 2022 and has gained +46.76% compared to its price of $83.40 per kg on Jan 1st 2021 and is up +68.20% since Jan 1st 2020. If we go back to Jan 1st 2018, when the cost of praseodymium was $85.68 per kg, then the price has increased +42.86%.
China’s latest quota, released on 25 September, limited total production from four major producers to 120,000 tons and 115,000 tons of mined and refined material respectively. It applies to output for the remainder of 2023.
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