Titanium is considered a metal having significant mechanical strength and good ductility under normal temperature conditions. Its specific strength (tensile strength/density ratio) is, for example, higher than that of aluminum or steel.
Titanium is a transition metal with a white-silvery metallic appearance. It is a lustrous, strong metal that exhibits good resistance to atmospheric corrosion. The atomic number of titanium is 22 and it belongs to the d-block, period 4, group 4 of the periodic table. Pure titanium is insoluble in water but soluble in concentrated acids.
Titanium is an amazing material which has unique properties that make it highly sought after in the production of many modern and innovative applications. It’s strong and light.
Industrial Applications The uses for titanium in industry are growing faster than ever before as more and more engineers are discovering it can reduce lifecycle costs across a broad range of equipment and processes. Titanium has an exceptionally high strength to weight ratio. Titanium’s favorable density (approximately half that of ferrous and nickel-based metals) means that when equipment costs are calculated on a per unit area of measure basis, rather than per pound, the differential cost of material required narrows dramatically.
Titanium is used in • Aerospace Field • Automobile Industry • Medical Industry • Chemical Industry • Marine Engineering • Nuclear waste storage • Consumer and architecture • Daily Life’s • Pigments, additives and coatings.
- Standard Titanium Hybride 99%
- Standard Titanium Rod 99.999%
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The market value of Standard Titanium Hybrid, 99%, represents approximately 1600 US Dollars per Kilogram. Contact us to get the best prices depending on the quantity requested.
The global titanium market was valued at USD 24.7 billion in 2021 and is projected to reach USD 33.5 billion by 2026, growing at a CAGR 6.3% from 2021 to 2026.The titanium dioxide form accounted for a share of 78.4% in terms of value in the titanium market in 2020 and is projected to reach USD 25.3 billion by 2026.
China’s vast size and commitment to tech advancement frequently make it a world leader across multiple industries, and the titanium industry is no exception. With an annual yield of about 120,000 metric tons, it’s easily the world’s leading titanium producer.
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Thermo Fisher Scientific (TMO) — международная лаборатория, акции которой котируются на Нью-Йоркской фондовой бирже (NYSE — TMO).

TITANIUM ROD, 3.175MM (0.125IN) DIA, 99.99% (METALS BASIS) Посмотреть больше

TITANIUM INGOT, 99.999% (METALS BASIS) Посмотреть больше