Hafnium, a gray metal, is known in aeronautics to stabilize the properties of superalloys at high temperatures, and in the nuclear industry where it is used in the composition of certain control rods, an emergency device to stop the reaction thanks to its neutron absorption properties. But engine manufacturers and energy companies will have to face competing demand for this rare metal, of which there is no deposit of its own.
Hafnium is a ductile, shiny, silvery metal that resists corrosion and is chemically similar to zirconium. It is a tetravalent transition metal. It is found in all zirconium ores. Its abundance in the earth’s crust is 5.8 ppm. Hafnium is, like most rare metals, a non-renewable resource. Almost the entire hafnium resource comes from zirconium purification.
Hafnium is a good absorber of neutrons and is used to make control rods, such as those found in nuclear submarines. It also has a very high melting point and because of this is used in plasma welding torches. Hafnium has been successfully alloyed with several metals including iron, titanium and niobium. Hafnium oxide is used as an electrical insulator in microchips, while hafnium catalysts have been used in polymerization reactions
Hafnium is used • Used In Aerospace Field • Used In Automobile Industry • Used In Medical Industry • Used In Chemical Industry • Used In Marine Engineering • Used In Nuclear waste storage • Used In Consumer and architecture • Used In Daily Life’s • Used In Pigments, additives and coatings.
Топ-3 производителей: 1° Китай, 2° Россия, 3° Индия.
Топ-3 резервных держателей: 1° Чили, 2° Перу, 3° Китай.
- Standard Hafnium Powder 99.6%
- Standard Hafnium Wire 99.97%, 0.25mm
- Standard Hafnium Rod 99.9%
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The market value of Standard Hafnium Powder, 99.6%, represents approximately 16.500 US Dollars per kilogram. Contact us to get the best prices depending on the quantity requested.
The global titanium market was valued at USD 24.7 billion in 2021 and is projected to reach USD 33.5 billion by 2026, growing at a CAGR 6.3% from 2021 to 2026. The titanium dioxide form accounted for a share of 78.4% in terms of value in the titanium market in 2020 and is projected to reach USD 25.3 billion by 2026.
China’s vast size and commitment to tech advancement frequently make it a world leader across multiple industries, and the titanium industry is no exception. With an annual yield of about 120,000 metric tons, it’s easily the world’s leading titanium producer.
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Thermo Fisher Scientific (TMO) — международная лаборатория, акции которой котируются на Нью-Йоркской фондовой бирже (NYSE — TMO).

HAFNIUM ROD, 6.35MM (0.25IN) DIA, 99.9% (METALS BASIS) Посмотреть больше

HAFNIUM ROD, 6.35MM (0.25IN) DIA, 99.9% (METALS BASIS) Посмотреть больше