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Among the list of properties of Aluminum, some of the predominant properties are flexibility, lightweight, and quality, making it the ideal material for practically any structure challenge, enormous or small. If we talk about the utilities of aluminum, then it shows the concept of how we use aluminum in various item zones, each taking into account various needs.


Aluminum is a silver white metal, which ranks third in the earth’s crust next to oxygen and silicon. The density of aluminum is small, so it is called as light metal. Aluminum is a non-ferrous metal with high yield and high usage. It is second only to steel in the world. The density of aluminum is about 1/3 of the density of steel and copper. Because of its light material, it is commonly used in manufacturing, train, subway, automobile, aircraft, ship, rocket and other land and sea air traffic tools to reduce the weight of self-weight and increase the load etc…

Among the list of properties of Aluminum, some of the predominant properties are flexibility, lightweight, and quality, making it the ideal material for practically any structure challenge, enormous or small. If we talk about the utilities of aluminum, then it shows the concept of how we use aluminum in various item zones, each taking into account various needs.


Aluminum ingot is product in the form of a bar with an above narrowing. It is produced using molding in a horizontal position through an open top. Process of ingots production takes place on modern high-tech equipment, the melt is purified, which excludes the presence of slag formations in the finished ingot and allows to obtain high quality products. Weight of produced ingot is 1.5 to 8.5 kg. Aluminum ingots are widely used in construction, shipbuilding, aircraft industry, electrical industry, automotive and food industries, as well as in other areas.

Объем производства данного вида продукции с каждым годом постоянно увеличивается, что объясняется ростом спроса.

The global aluminium market size was valued at USD 262.75 billion in 2022 and is projected to grow from USD 229.85 billion in 2023 to USD 393.70 billion by 2032, exhibiting a CAGR of 6.2% during the forecast period.


Топ-3 производителей: 1° Китай, 2° Россия, 3° Индия.

Топ-3 резервных держателей: 1° Чили, 2° Перу, 3° Китай.

  1. Алюминиевый слиток
    • Стандартный 99,999%
    • Упаковка, алюминиевые или пластиковые коробки запечатаны.

    • Минимальная покупка 1000гр (1кг)

    • Другое, стандартный запрос, свяжитесь с нами.

Наши консультанты и эксперты постоянно находятся в вашем распоряжении, чтобы лучше понять природу ваших потребностей.


The market value of Standard Aluminum Ingot, 99.999%, represents approximately 1290 US Dollars per kilogram. Contact us to get the best prices depending on the quantity requested.

Investing in Aluminum Ingot can be highly rewarding due to various reasons. Firstly, Aluminum Ingot can be stored safely for a long time without any damage, making them a viable long-term investment. Secondly, Aluminum market prices have been stable over the years, making the annual demand growth forecast promising. Lastly, copper ingots have diverse applications globally in various industries, such as construction, infrastructure, transportation, and electronic devices.


Aluminum Ingot, used in Aerospace (Aircraft skins, Fuselage frames, Rotors and Propellers), Electronic appliances (Overhead wires, Electrical components), Metal packaging (All-aluminum pop-top cans, thin plates and flakes to make boxes, Lids, bottles, barrels and packaging flakes.), materials for printing.


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Thermo Fisher Scientific (TMO) — международная лаборатория, акции которой котируются на Нью-Йоркской фондовой бирже (NYSE — TMO).

ALUMINUM INGOT, 99.999% (METALS BASIS) Посмотреть больше

ALUMINUM INGOT, 99.999% (METALS BASIS) Посмотреть больше