Rhenium is a metal with very high strength, good ductility and cold working properties. It is a material used in many high-temperature applications. More than 80% of the global rhenium usage is in high-temperature superalloys for aircraft applications like turbine blades and engine parts. The remaining demand is mostly from petrochemical refining industries.
Rhenium is a silvery-white metal with one of the highest melting points of all elements, surpassed only by tungsten and carbon. It also has one of the highest boiling points of all elements and the highest boiling point of all stable elements. It is also the densest, surpassed only by platinum, iridium and osmium. Rhenium has a closely spaced hexagonal crystal structure with lattice parameters a = 276.1 pm and c = 445.6 pm.
The usual commercial form is a powder, but the element can be solidified by pressing and sintering in a vacuum or hydrogen atmosphere. This procedure results in a dense solid with a density greater than 90% of that of the metal. When recoated, this metal is very ductile and can be bent, coiled and rolled. Rhenium-molybdenum alloys become superconducting at 10 K. Tungsten-rhenium alloys also become superconducting around 4 to 8 K, depending on the alloy. The metal rhenium is superconducting at 1.697±0.006 K. In bulk at room temperature and atmospheric pressure, the element is resistant to alkalis, sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, and aqua regia. However, when heated, it reacts with nitric acid.
Rhenium is used in • Aircraft turbines • Nickel super alloys • Platinum-Rhenium catalysts • Thermocouples • Heating coil for lighters • Unleaded gasoline.
3 principais produtores: 1° China, 2° Rússia, 3° Índia.
Os 3 principais titulares de reservas: 1° Chile, 2° Peru, 3° China.
- Standard Rhenium Powder 99,997%
- Standard Rhenium Wire 99,97%, 0.25mm
- Embalagem, Caixas de Alumínio ou Plástico Seladas
- Compra Mínima 1000gr (1kg)
Outros, solicitação padrão entre em contato conosco.
Nossos consultores, especialistas estão constantemente à sua disposição para melhor compreender a natureza de suas necessidades.
The market value of Rhenium Powder Standard, 99,997%, represents approximately 11.000 US Dollars per kilogram. Contact us to get the best prices depending on the quantity requested.
Rhenium has the value 7.7 on an economic importance scale from 1 to 10. Rhenium is thus more important than Indium (6.7) and Gallium (6.5). The actual supply situation is not classified as critical.
But if the offer parameters shift minimally, things may change quickly.
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