Nickel Wire silver white metal is one of the most valued metals due to its immeasurable importance across a wide range of applications. The ductility of any metal refers to its ability to be either stretched or hammered really thin into long wires, without breaking. Its superior ductile property means nickel can be drawn into really thin Nickel Wire 0.025mm.
Nickel wire is manufactured on high-tech equipment; the product has a high quality. Nickel wire used those kinds of industries that are engaged in manufacturing high-precision parts used in radar, navigation, medicine, television. Nickel wire used in many other areas of the industry: the design and creation of home appliance, computer technology.
Nickel mark NP1 is used for the manufacture of wire, which is later used for details of special purpose. These stamps nickel is also present in high purity (98,6-99,9%). They differ mainly impurities which determine their physical properties such as melting point.
The impurities contents of Nickel Wire NP1 on Bobbins for prescribed impurities Mg, Si, P, S, Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn As, Cd, Sn, Sb, Pb, Bi is no more than 0.015 % wt. Nickel Wire degree of purity is 99.985 % wt. It was calculated as difference between 100 % and Sum of Impurities. Nickel Wire on Bobbins is radiological safe. The specific natural radioactivity of Nickel Wire on Bobbins is no more than 1. 10-11 Ci/g. plumbed by lead “GAC/68”.
Top 3 de productores: 1° China, 2° Rusia, 3° India.
Top 3 de Reservas: 1° Chile, 2° Perú, 3° China.
- NICKEL WIRE 0,025mm (0,001IN) NP1 (Metal basis)
- Purity 99,98%
- Kilograms Coils of around 227,000 linear meters
- Embalajes, Cajas de Aluminio o Plástico Selladas
- Minimum Purchase 5.000gr (5kg)
- Otros, Solicitud estándar contáctenos.
- NICKEL WIRE 0,025mm (0,001IN) NP2 (Metal basis)
- Purity 99,98%
- Kilograms Coils of around 227,000 linear meters
- Embalajes, Cajas de Aluminio o Plástico Selladas
- Minimum Purchase 5.000gr (5kg)
- Otros, Solicitud estándar contáctenos.
Nuestros asesores, expertos, están constantemente a su disposición para comprender mejor la naturaleza de sus necesidades.
The market value of Standard Nickel Wire (NP1) 99,98%, represents approximately 125 US Dollars per linear meter. Contact us to get the best prices depending on the quantity requested.
The global pure nickel wire market is expected to witness steady growth in the coming years. The market is driven by increasing demand for nickel alloy from various end-use industries such as aerospace, automotive, and industrial machinery.
El volumen de producción de este tipo de productos aumenta constantemente cada año, lo que se explica por el aumento de la demanda.
El erbio se utiliza para aleaciones, láseres, óptica, reactores nucleares, revestimientos resistentes a la corrosión de alta temperatura, condensadores, dopantes para fibra óptica y materiales láser, materiales de conversión ascendente, semiconductores de óxido metálico, transistores.
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