Germanium is a metallic element with high conductivity and thermal conductivity, which makes it an important component in the semiconductor industry. Germanium wafers are thin, circular slices of pure germanium that serve as the foundation for many electronic devices. Because of their ability to improve the performance of semiconductors and other electronic components, these wafers are in high demand.
Germanium is known as a brittle, semi-metallic silvery-white metalloid under standard conditions constituting a well-known allotrope called alpha germanium that possesses a metallic luster and a diamond cubic crystal structure.
Germanium is a metalloid that possesses metal and nonmetal properties. It is a good electrical conductor and can also function as a semiconductor. Because of its unique combination of qualities, germanium has become a significant material in electronics. Because of its high melting and boiling points, germanium is suited for high-temperature applications.
La suma de las impurezas de control en el lingote de cobre (Mg, Ai, P, Ti, Cr, Mo, Cd) no supera el 0,0001% en peso. El grado de pureza del lingote de cobre es 99,999%wt. Se calculó como diferencia entre 100% y Suma de Impurezas. El lingote de cobre es radiológicamente seguro. La radiactividad natural específica del cobre Ingo no supera los 1,10-11 Ci/g. sondeado por plomo “GAC/68”.
El volumen de producción de este tipo de productos aumenta constantemente cada año, lo que se explica por el aumento de la demanda.
Se prevé que la demanda de disprosio estará valorada en $ 5.300 millones de dólares en 2022, y se prevé que crezca a una tasa compuesta anual de 5,2% para valorarse en $ 8.800 millones de dólares de 2022 a 2032. Debido a su predominio como productor de elementos de tierras raras, Asia Pacífico es afirmó ser el mayor consumidor de disprosio.
Top 3 de productores: 1° China, 2° Rusia, 3° India.
Top 3 de Reservas: 1° Chile, 2° Perú, 3° China.
- Standard Germanium Ingot 99.9999%
- Standard Germanium Piece 99.999%
- Standard Germanium Rod 99.9999%
- Embalajes, Cajas de Aluminio o Plástico Selladas
- Compra mínima 1000gr (1kg)
- Otros, Solicitud estándar contáctenos.
Nuestros asesores, expertos, están constantemente a su disposición para comprender mejor la naturaleza de sus necesidades.
The market value of Standard Germanium Ingot, 99.9999%, represents approximately 15.900 US Dollars per kilogram. Contact us to get the best prices depending on the quantity requested.
China is by far the biggest player in the global supply chain of gallium and germanium. It produces 80% of the world’s gallium and 60% of germanium, according to the Critical Raw Materials Alliance (CRMA) industry body. The materials are “minor metals”, meaning that they are not usually found on their own in nature, and are often the by-product of other processes. Besides the US, both Japan and the Netherlands – which is home to key chip equipment maker ASML – have imposed chip technology export restrictions on China.
China is by far the biggest player in the global supply chain of gallium and germanium. It produces 80% of the world’s gallium and 60% of germanium, according to the Critical Raw Materials Alliance (CRMA) industry body. The materials are “minor metals”, meaning that they are not usually found on their own in nature, and are often the by-product of other processes. Besides the US, both Japan and the Netherlands – which is home to key chip equipment maker ASML – have imposed chip technology export restrictions on China.
Germanium, is used in Optical fiber for internet, Night vision devices, High frequency technology, Detector technology, Infrared optics, Catalysts production of PET bottles.
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Thermo Fisher Scientific (TMO) es un laboratorio internacional que cotiza en la Bolsa de Valores de Nueva York (NYSE – TMO).