Lithium is the first of the alkalis in the periodic table. In nature it’s found like a mixture of the isotopes Li6 and Li7. It’s the lightest solid metal, it’s soft, silvery-white, with a low melting point and reactive. Many of its physical and chemical properties are more similar to those of the alkaline earth metals than to those of its own group.
Lithium is a soft, silvery-white, metal that heads group 1, the alkali metals group, of the periodic table of the elements. It reacts vigorously with water. Storing it is a problem. It cannot be kept under oil, as sodium can, because it is less dense and floats
Lithium does not exist freely in nature. It is found in combined forms near all the igneous rocks and sometimes found in mineral water springs. Naturally occurring minerals, which contain lithium, are spodumene (LiAl(SiO3)2), petalite, lepidolite, and amblygonite.
The accelerated adoption of next generation lithium batteries will be fueled by growth in consumer electronics, energy storage and the electrification of the transportation industry. Supporting this electrification movement is Li-Metal’s lithium metal anode and lithium metal production technologies, which are made with more sustainable production processes than those currently being produced. This means smaller, lighter and safer batteries that can travel longer ranges, which are critical to tomorrow’s electric vehicles. Lithium is used in • Batteries • Pacemakers • Digital Cameras • Watches • Solar Energy • Alarm Systems • Mobility Scooters • Emergency Power Backup • Portable Power Packs • Smartphones and Laptops.
Top 3 Producers: 1° China, 2° Russia, 3° India.
Top 3 Reserve Holders: 1° Chile, 2° Peru, 3° China.
- Standard Lithium-6LI 99.99%
- Standard Lithium-7LI 99.99%
- Packaging, Aluminum or Plastic Boxes Sealed
- Minimum Purchase 1000gr (1kg)
- Other, Standard request contact us.
Our advisors, experts are constantly at your disposal in order to best understand the nature of your needs.
The market value of Standard Lithium-6LI 95.00% represents approximately 163 US Dollars per gram. Contact us to get the best prices depending on the quantity requested.
The lithium metal market is projected to grow from USD 2.5 billion in 2023 to USD 6.4 billion by 2028, at a cagr 20.4% from 2023 to 2028. The market has observed stable growth throughout the study period and is expected to continue with the same trend during the forecast period. Lithium metal is used in various industrial applications, including aerospace and defense. The aerospace industry, in particular, requires lightweight and high-performance batteries, making lithium metal an attractive choice, thus enhancing the demand for lithium metal.
The accelerated adoption of next generation lithium batteries will be fueled by growth in consumer electronics, energy storage and the electrification of the transportation industry. Supporting this electrification movement is Li-Metal’s lithium metal anode and lithium metal production technologies, which are made with more sustainable production processes than those currently being produced. This means smaller, lighter and safer batteries that can travel longer ranges, which are critical to tomorrow’s electric vehicles..
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In order to guarantee a long-lasting and professional relationship with our customers, we have implemented a sales procedure allowing prior identification of our customers by opening customer accounts based on the provision of a Customer Buyer’s KYC Form Rare Minerals and Strategic Metals Account Opening, allowing us perfect identification from quotation requests made by consultants (intermediaries) and direct final buyer.
Thermo Fisher Scientific (TMO) is a International laboratory listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE – TMO).