Erbium is a chemical element with an atomic number of 68 and is represented by the symbol ‘Er’ in the periodic table. It is hard and silvery in appearance and classified as rare earth metal and belongs to the f-block of the lanthanide group of the periodic table.
Erbium pure metal is soft and malleable and has a bright, silvery, metallic luster. As with other rare-earth metals, its properties depend to a certain extent on the impurities present. The metal is fairly stable in air and does not oxidize as rapidly as some of the other rare-earth metals. Naturally occurring erbium is a mixture of six isotopes, all of which are stable. Nine radioactive isotopes of erbium are also recognized.
Erbium is alloyed with vanadium to make it softer and easier to shape. Erbium is added to fiber optic cables as a doping agent where it is used as a signal amplifier. Erbium also has some uses in the nuclear power industry. Erbium is finding nuclear and metallurgical uses. Added to vanadium, for example, erbium lowers the hardness and improves workability. Erbium oxide gives a pink color and has been used as a colorant in glasses and porcelain enamel glazes.
Researchers are assessing the possibilities of applying erbium nanocrystals as dopants in lanthanum fluoride, silicon and silicon matrix, glass and optical fibers, and also in phosphors, nanophosphors, and doped phosphorous nanoparticles.
Erbium is used to • Alloys • Lasers • Optics • Nuclear Reactors • High-temperature corrosion-resistant coatings • Capacitors • Dopants for optical fiber and laser materials • Up-conversion material • Metal-oxide-semiconductor transistors.
Top 3 Producers: 1° China, 2° Russia, 3° India.
Top 3 Reserve Holders: 1° Chile, 2° Peru, 3° China.
- Erbium
Standard Erbium Rod 99.9% - Standard Erbium Pieces 99.9%
- Packaging, Aluminum or Plastic Boxes Sealed
- Minimum Purchase 1000gr (1kg)
- Other, Standard request contact us
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The market value of Standard Erbium Rod, 99.9%, represents approximately 1892 US Dollars per Linear meter. Contact us to get the best prices depending on the quantity requested.
The global Erbium Glass Laser market size was valued at USD 66 million in 2022 and is forecast to a readjusted size of USD 258.4 million by 2029 with a CAGR of 21.6% during review period.
The market for consumer goods and electronics is anticipated to be driven by an increase in demand for erbium oxide from display panels. Among other display goods, erbium is primarily employed in LEDs and LCDs. The global market for erbium is being driven by the expanding consumer electronics sector’s demand for display panels.
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