NEODYMIUM ROD, 12.7MM (0.5IN) DIA, 99.5%
NEODYMIUM ROD, 12.7MM (0.5IN) DIA, 99.5%
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Neodymium is primarily mined as part of a conglomerate with other rare earth elements in the monazite and bastnaesite mineral deposits. At its peak in 2011, China supplied over 95% of all the REEs. Today China supplies 70% of the world’s REEs, with new mines in Australia and a reopened U.S. mine contributing.


Neodymium is a lustrous silvery-yellow metal. It is very reactive and quickly tarnishes in air and the coated formed does not protect the metal from further oxidation, so it must be stored away from contact with air. It reacts slowly with cold water and rapidly with hot.

The first use of neodymium was in the production of colored glass. Nd3+ ions impart a transparent reddish-purple color. Today, neodymium is most widely used in magnets. These magnets were developed by the car manufacturer, General Motors (GM). They are used to produce the motors that drive hard drives in computers, cassette tapes, and even electric cars. Likewise, they are used to harness energy in wind turbines.


Today the largest demand for high-performance neodymium-iron-boron magnets is in the motors of electric and hybrid vehicles. Other uses of neodymium include making a specialized glass used in protective goggles for welding and glass blowing, and in applications such as surgical lasers and laser pointers. Finally, it is used as a catalyst in polymerization reactions. Neodymium is used to • Wind Turbine • Electric cars • Magnets • Colored glass • Car manufacturer • Treatment of cancers • Nanowires and nanofibers • Eye surgery, cosmetic surgery • Drive hard drives in computers.


Top 3 Produzenten: 1° China, 2° Russland, 3° Indien.

Die drei größten Reservenhalter: 1. Chile, 2. Peru, 3. China.



  1. Standard Neodymium Ingot 99.9%
  2. Standard Neodymium Powder 99.9%
    • Verpackung, Aluminium- oder Kunststoffboxen versiegelt
    • Mindestabnahme 1000 g (1 kg)
    • Andere Arten von Anfragen kontaktieren Sie uns

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The market value of Standard Neodymium Ingot, 99.9%, represents approximately 4000 US Dollars per kilogram. Contact us to get the best prices depending on the quantity requested.

The global neodymium market size was valued at $6.76 billion in 2022 & is projected to grow from $5.52 billion in 2023 to $7.91 billion by 2030.

Neodymium is widely used for magnetic materials in electronic devices, electric vehicles and home appliances. China is facing challenges of increased neodymium demand and a lack of neodymium recycling systems. official neodymium production has only doubled, Wind turbines and electric vehicles will become major neodymium consumption sectors greatly increasing future demand requirements.


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NEODYMIUM ROD, 12.7MM (0.5IN) DIA, 99.5% (METALS BASIS) Mehr sehen

NEODYMIUM ROD, 12.7MM (0.5IN) DIA, 99.5% (METALS BASIS) Mehr sehen