You might already know that elements fit into three categories. They can be metals, metalloids, or nonmetals. Gallium is a metal, but it has some pretty unique properties. For example, it has a very low melting point. It melts and becomes a liquid at 85ºF (29ºC). In fact, if you picked up a solid piece of gallium, it would melt in your hand.
It is a silvery-white, soft metal with a very low melting point and can be cut with a knife. In nature, Gallium occurs as a trace element in ores such as zinc blende, bauxite, germanite, etc. These ores also serve as the main commercial source of Gallium. It is a non-toxic element and is known to withstand very high temperatures as a liquid. However, gallium halide complexes may result in severe toxicity in humans.
As stated earlier, almost 95% of the total world production of gallium is used for making semiconductors. For this purpose, extremely pure quality gallium is required (>99.9999%). Naturally, gallium occurs as a mixture of gallium-69 and gallium-71 isotopes.
What is this unique element used for? Most gallium is used in electronics. It’s common in semiconductors, transistors, and very small electronic devices. Gallium is able to turn electricity into light, so it’s also used to make LEDs. It can also be used to make thermometers and mirrors. Gallium isn’t used for human or animal consumption but is non-toxic. Gallium is used in • Mobile phones • Computers • Laser • Solar cells • LEDs • Alloying additives • Liquid metal thermal compound • Mercury replacement.
Top 3 Produzenten: 1° China, 2° Russland, 3° Indien.
Die drei größten Reservenhalter: 1. Chile, 2. Peru, 3. China.
Gallium metal
- Standard Gallium Ingot 99.99%
- Standard Gallium Ingot 99,99999%
- Verpackung, Aluminium- oder Kunststoffboxen versiegelt
- Mindestabnahme 1000 g (1 kg)
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The market value of Standard Gallium Ingot, 99.99999%, represents approximately 4660 US Dollars per kilogram. Contact us to get the best prices depending on the quantity requested.
The largest global producers of gallium are Russia, Germany, Australia, and France. 95% of the total production of gallium is used in making semiconductors.
The gallium market size is expected to see exponential growth in the next few years. It will grow to $5.38 billion in 2028 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 23.4%. The growth in the forecast period can be attributed to renewable energy, electric vehicles, advanced materials, nanotechnology.
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