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Samarium is a relatively rare metal found in rare earth ores, and it is present in soil and seas in very low concentrations. It does not oxidize in the air and has a melting temperature of 1072°C and vaporization of 1795°C.


Samarium is a rare silver metal. It is almost as abundant as tin in the earth’s crust. It is part of the rare earth family comprising 17 elements. Its main use is in the form of alloy with cobalt in some permanent magnets. It is also found in some neutron sensors, in optics because it allows high absorption of infrared, in medicine and radiotherapy to relieve pain due to bone metastases.

Samarium is used in a wide range of applications, including alloys for molding, forging and high-temperature tools, and in magnetic alloys and metal heat treatment. Samarium compounds are used in a variety of technological applications, including sensors, lasers, electrical insulators and N-S junctions.

New x-ray technologies are being developed using samarium.  Radio waves, for example, have low energy, visible light has intermediate energy, and x-rays have high energy. Samarium phosphors have been found to absorb x-rays and produce visible light. By producing visible light, samarium phosphors can be used to view x-rays in real-time.


The magnetic properties of samarium have made it useful for applications in small motors, headphones, and musical instruments. Samarium is used to • Permanent Magnet • Electrical insulators • Lasers • Small motors • Solar-powered electric aircraft.



  1. Standard Samarium, 99.9%
  2. Standard Samarium Pieces Standard 99.9% 12mm
    • Verpackung, Aluminium- oder Kunststoffboxen versiegelt
    • Mindestabnahme 1000 g (1 kg)
    • Other, Standard request contact us

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The market value of Standard Samarium, 99.9%, represents approximately 10.900 US Dollars per kilogram. Contact us to get the best prices depending on the quantity requested.

Global Samarium Cobalt Magnets Market size was worth at USD 15.5 billion in 2022 and is estimated to grow about USD 19.9 billion by 2030, at a CAGR of approximately 7.7% between 2023 and 2030.

China tops the list for mine production and reserves of rare earth elements, with 44 million tons in reserves and 140,000 tons of annual mine production.


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Thermo Fisher Scientific (TMO) ist ein internationales Labor, das an der New Yorker Börse notiert ist (NYSE – TMO).

SAMARIUM INGOT, 99.9% (REO) Mehr sehen

SAMARIUM INGOT, 99.9% (REO) Mehr sehen