Gadolinium is a soft, shiny, ductile, silvery metal belonging to the lanthanide group of the periodic chart. The metal does not tarnish in dry air but an oxide film forms in moist air. Gadolinium reacts slowly with water and dissolves in acids. Gadolinium becomes superconductive below 1.083 K. It is strongly magnetic at room temperature.
Gadolinium is soft, ductile silvery-white metal which is only slightly available. Gadolinium is one of the more abundant rare-earth elements. It is never found as free element in nature, but it is contained in many rare minerals.
Gadolinium has found some use in control rods for nuclear reactors and nuclear power plants; it is used to make garnets for microwave applications and its compounds are used for making phosphorous for colour TV tubes. Metallic gadolinium is rarely used as the metal itself, but its alloys are used to make magnets and electronic components such as recording heads for video recorders. It is also used for manufacturing compact disks and computer memory.
Gadolinium in the form of rod and wire- is used in electronics, machinery, and other industry-related devices. In recent years, Gadolinium has seen heightened interest due to its unique electrical, mechanical and physical properties.
Due to its magnetic properties, gadolinium is used in the manufacture of magnets, recording heads, and electrical components. Gadolinium is used to • In Nuclear Reactors • In Electronic Devices • In Microelectronics • In Microwave Technology • In Alloys • In Magnetic Refrigeration • In Fuel cells.
Top 3 Produzenten: 1° China, 2° Russland, 3° Indien.
Die drei größten Reservenhalter: 1. Chile, 2. Peru, 3. China.
1. Standard Gadolinium Ingot 99.9%
2. Standard Gadolinium rod 99.9%
• Verpackung, Aluminium- oder Kunststoffboxen versiegelt
• Mindestabnahme 1000 g (1 kg)
• Sonstiges, Standardanfrage: Kontaktieren Sie uns.
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The market value of Standard Gadolinium Ingot, 99.9%, represents approximately 350 US Dollars per piece. Contact us to get the best prices depending on the quantity requested.
Global Gadolinium demand is anticipated to be valued at US$ 5.3 Billion in 2022, forecast to grow at a CAGR of 5.2%to be valued at US$ 8.8 Billion from 2022 to 2032. The rising economies in the Asia Pacific are likely to offer lucrative opportunities for growth.
The main mining areas are Cina, USA, Brazil, Sri Lanka, India and Australia with reserves expected to exceed one million tonnes. World production of pure gadolinium is about 400 tonnes per year.
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