HOLMIUM ROD, 6.35MM (0.25IN) DIA, 99.8%
HOLMIUM ROD, 6.35MM (0.25IN) DIA, 99.8%
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Holmium comprises approximately 1.4 parts per million (ppm) of the Earth’s crust by mass. Consequently, it is positioned as the 56th most abundant element in the Earth’s crust. Holmium does not exist in its pure form in nature. It is commonly observed in association with various mineral constituents, such as gadolinite, monazite, and other minerals that belong to the rare-earth category.


Holmium is a bright silver lustrous metal. It is soft and corrosion resistant element. At standard temperature and pressure, it is stable in dry air. It oxidizes quickly in moist air and high temperature to form yellowish oxide. In its oxides form, its color changes take place dramatically due to its sharp absorption characteristics as it tarnished yellow to fiery orange red. It is paramagnetic at ambient temperature and ferromagnetic below 19 K. Holmium chemical symbol is Ho with atomic number 67. Its atomic weight is 164.93. Holmium melting point is 1461OC and boiling point is 2600OC. Its density at room temperature is about 8.79 g/cm3.

Holmium possesses a relatively high atomic weight of approximately 164.93032 atomic mass units (u). It is a silver-white, lustrous metal that is soft and malleable. Holmium is classified as a rare earth element due to its occurrence in the Earth’s crust, although it is not as abundant as some other elements in this group. One of the notable properties of holmium is its magnetic nature.


Holmium alloys are used as a magnetic flux concentrator to create the strongest artificially generated magnetic fields. It is also used in nuclear reactors for nuclear control rods. Holmium oxide is used as yellow gas colouring. Holmium is used to • Quantum Computers • Magnets • Lasers • Calibration • Treatments.


Top 3 Producers: 1° China, 2° Russia, 3° India.

Top 3 Reserve Holders: 1° Chile, 2° Peru, 3° China.


1. Standard Holmium Ingot 99.9%
2. Standard Holmium Pieces 99.9%
• Packaging, Aluminum or Plastic Boxes Sealed
• Minimum Purchase 1000gr (1kg)
• Other, Standard request contact us.

Our advisors, experts are constantly at your disposal in order to best understand the nature of your needs.


The market value of Standard Holmium Ingot, 99.9%, represents approximately 67 US Dollars per Gram. Contact us to get the best prices depending on the quantity requested.

The global market for Rare Earth Elements estimated at USD 2821.3 million in the year 2022, is projected to reach a revised size of USD 3979.4 million by 2028, growing at a CAGR of 5.9Percent during the forecast period 2022-2028.

Moreover, the application of holmium components in lasers are useful in many surgery specialities, including urology, neurosurgery, and angioplasty and at various other medical setting is expected to boost the demand for holmium during the forecast period.


Our independence (Production) and our international raw material supply network, undoubtedly enable us to provide you with a safe and secure supply with all controls in terms of quality analysis, evaluation, inspections, import and export.

In order to guarantee a long-lasting and professional relationship with our customers, we have implemented a sales procedure allowing prior identification of our customers by opening customer accounts based on the provision of a Customer Buyer’s KYC Form Rare Minerals and Strategic Metals Account Opening, allowing us perfect identification from quotation requests made by consultants (intermediaries) and direct final buyer.


Thermo Fisher Scientific (TMO) is a International laboratory listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE – TMO).

HOLMIUM ROD, 6.35MM (0.25IN) DIA, 99.8% (METALS BASIS) View More

HOLMIUM ROD, 6.35MM (0.25IN) DIA, 99.8% (METALS BASIS) View More